Bavarian State Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts

Student Stories

Mélanie from Canada

Mélanie Barbeau, 28, from Canada studies Business Administration at Munich University of Applied Sciences (MUAS). She decided to come to Munich because of the city’s excellent location in the heart of Europe. “Close to Austria, Switzerland and France it was my obvious choice,” she says.

From the moment she was offered a place at MUAS, Mélanie felt very well looked after by her university. She also joined a buddy programme that matches international students with German partners to help them settle in Munich. “I can’t say how helpful my buddy has been to me. From setting up a bank account to picking me up at the train station or buying a cell phone, she helped with everything. I’ve gained an awesome friend and I'm sure we will keep in touch after my time in Munich,” Mélanie says. 

Meeting up regularly with a tandem partner also helps Mélanie with her German: “The university sets up international students with German-speaking students and we meet up once every two weeks for coffee and discussion.”

In Munich Mélanie particularly enjoys that there is something to do all year round, like visiting the Christmas markets, Oktoberfest, browsing the many flea markets or meeting friends in a beer garden. “Coming from Canada, I’m used to taking part in fewer activities in the winter, as it gets very cold. I love that it is so easy to spend time outside in Munich, even when the temperatures are low,” Mélanie says.

She highly enjoys living in Munich and is currently planning to spend two semesters at the university here. In the long-run she would love to return and settle down permanently in Germany or somewhere else in Europe.

Mélanie’s advice for other international students: “It’s a great idea to take German language lessons before you arrive, as it is not an easy language!” Mélanie attends German grammar classes for international students at MUAS and her tandem partner also helps with her pronunciation.