Bavarian State Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts

Student Stories

Henry Peter from Tanzania

Henry Peter Bulengela from Tanzania studies for an MSc in International Finance and Economics at Nuremberg Tech. He chose to study here, because universities in Bavaria offer a high quality of education. As Bavaria has a strong economy, Henry Peter also hopes to find many job opportunities in the area after he graduates.

He particularly likes the old town of Nuremberg with its historical architecture and enjoys exploring Bavaria in his spare time. “Travelling around neighbouring cities is very easy and affordable. There are many interesting places to see. It is also easy to go to neighbouring countries and visit capital cities like Prague or Vienna if you are based in Bavaria,” he says.

At his university Henry Peter particularly enjoys the friendly and international atmosphere. “The university offers high quality services and its international environment creates a platform for students to exchange knowledge from their different cultural backgrounds. I believe this enhances the learning process,” he explains.

If Henry Peter was to write a postcard to his family in Tanzania, he would say: “Since arriving in Bavaria my stay has been very interesting. Life is a bit different from our home country here - I have to keep up with so many rules, such as separating garbage for example! It is quite different but I am open to learning new ways of life. My university is great and I have met nice people from all over the world. I have also met good German friends who are very helpful and friendly. We spend time together especially at the weekend having fun and drinking beer.”

Henry Peter’s tips for other international students: “I recommend taking part in a ‘buddy’ programme which provides you with a local contact in your university town. This can be helpful if you have organisational questions. It is also good to be proactive in making new friends to help you cope with homesickness. If time permits, you should also try to learn German as fast as possible.”