Finding your Dream Job in Bavaria
Visa and residence requirements sorted? Then you are ready to look for a job! If you need some ideas on where to start your search, here are a number of suggestions.
Online Communities and Job Search Engines
Many jobs are advertised in online communities, on social networking sites and in job search engines. On many of these websites you can also sign up to receive daily e-mails with information on new job postings that match your profile.
You can find jobs in Bavaria on the Bavarian Job Portal, the official job exchange platform of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs.
Jobs across Germany are advertised by the Bundesagentur für Arbeit (Federal Employment Agency)
Companies' Job Pages
Is there a particular company in Bavaria you are interested in? Why not check out their web pages to see if they have any job openings. Even if there are no current vacancies listed, sometimes a speculative job application to the HR department can result in employment opportunities.
Local Newspapers and Magazines
It may sound obvious, but local newspapers are still a great place to start your job search. Many papers print job advertisements at least once a week, but most also have job pages on their websites. Look out for sections such as “Stellenangebote”, “Karriere” or “Stellenmarkt” to find them.
If there is a professional organisation for your chosen field of work, such as journalism or IT, it is also useful to read their publications, websites and magazines. Often jobs are advertised here and many list contact details for prospective employers. The fastest way to find professional organisations in your field of interest is by searching the internet.
Careers Fairs
At careers fairs you can get an overview of career opportunities in different fields. They also offer you the opportunity to meet representatives from different companies and establish personal contact. Fairs are advertised on university and careers websites.