Hochschule für evangelische Kirchenmusik Bayreuth
The Hochschule für evangelische Kirchenmusik (University of Protestant Church Music) was founded in November 1999, continuing in the tradition of previous institutions, the Kirchenmusikschule in Erlangen and the Bayreuther Fachakademie für evangelische Kirchenmusik. The Bavarian Church had first set up a building that was specially designed to house a church music school and to train church musicians in 1953. In 2009 a new extension to the building was inaugurated.
Starting from the summer semester of 2013 the University will gradually change all existing course programmes to bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Bachelor’s programmes are to include Church Music, Organ Music, Choral Conducting and Piano Pedagogy. Master’s programmes are to include Church Music (with specialist profiles), Conducting, Piano or Organ Pedagogy, Popular Music and Elementary Music Pedagogy.
There is an entrance examination for all degree courses at the Hochschule für evangelische Kirchenmusik. International students are welcome to apply if they meet the necessary course requirements.
University Profile:
• Practical, applied studies with a special focus on pedagogics
• Regular student organisation of church services
• Children’s choir (awarded the 2009 “Kulturpreis” of IHK Bayreuth).
• Regular study days and special seminars with visiting lecturers and professors
• Short distances between university buildings and practice facilities at the Hochschule and three churches in Bayreuth (eight organs, 28 pianos and grand pianos, five harpsichords, a clavichord, Orff instruments, instruments for popular music and instrument loans)
• Concerts and concert tours with the university choir
- Music
Degree Courses
View full list of degree courses at Hochschule für evangelische Kirchenmusik (in German)
Students have to pass an assessment test to be admitted to courses.
Contact Address
Hochschule für evangelische Kirchenmusik
Wilhelminenstr. 9
95448 Bayreuth,
www.hfk-bayreuth.de (website in German only)
Bayreuth, an 800 year old city in the north of Bavaria, is home to 73,000 residents and about 12,000 students. Famous for its Baroque buildings and impressive gardens, the former Margraval residence encompasses the Margraval Opera House, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Musicians and music lovers from around the world gather in Bayreuth every summer to take part in the Richard Wagner Music Festival.
Apart from its musical attractions the town also offers a wide range of cultural and sports activities year-round, which includes numerous festivals and a variety of sports events and sports facilities. Nestled between the contrasting landscapes of the Fichtelgebirge Mountains and Franconian Switzerland, the surrounding area offers the perfect setting for exciting leisure activities such as hiking and climbing. Known for its culinary specialities and internationally recognised for its beer brewing, the region is home to over 250 breweries.
At the heart of this beautiful landscape lies the university campus itself. Modelled after universities in the United States, the centralised campus design means that buildings for the various academic departments and service facilities are located all within a stone’s throw of each other. The campus also offers plenty of meeting places such as cafes, sports facilities, and beautiful green spaces.
A multitude of student initiatives offer a platform for students to volunteer their time and put their creativity to work organising cultural activities that enrich life on campus and in town. Founded in1972 as one of the youngest universities in Germany, the institution is interdisciplinary, international, and research-oriented with an excellent staff to student ratio.
Its innovative study courses and excellence in teaching are reflected in the top rankings received by the university. Thanks to a growing number of courses offered in English, the relatively low cost of living, a high quality of life, and excellent services for international students, the University of Bayreuth provides the ideal environment for your studies.